Want to host the best The Muppets Christmas Carol movie night dinner? Who doesn’t love movie night? Our family LOVES a good movie night. But, we can’t just watch a movie. We are a bit extra, so we have to add a twist to our movie nights and really dive all in. We accomplish this by theming our evening around the movie. Sometimes, we include decorations and activities depending on the day. But, we always make sure to theme our dinner to the movie. We used to do these a lot when the older kids were younger, but we got away from it for a while. The kids asked for us to revive them, so we’ve been trying to do one each month. As we head into the holiday season, we chose a Christmas movie for this month’s theme.

The Muppets seem to be a favorite generation after generation, so we opted for The Muppets Christmas Carol. Based on Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol, The Muppets Christmas Carol follows Ebenezer Scrooge’s journey lead by three ghosts through the past, present and future. Scrooge is played by Michael Caine, and many of the Muppet characters we’ve all grown to love make an appearance in the film. While demonstrating some important life lessons regarding generosity, compassion, and greed, The Muppets Christmas Carol also manages to infuse the typical Muppet humor into the storyline. It’s a great choice for a Disney Christmas movie.

To be honest, when I’m planning a themed movie night, I scour the internet for inspiration. However, when I tried to that for The Muppets Christmas Carol, I simply didn’t find much. So, I had to get a bit creative. Also, we’re getting into the crazy busy season. Between our kids’ work, school and sports activities plus all the social gatherings for the holidays, we sometimes have a hard time carving out a large part of the day for movie night. So, this month, we kept it somewhat simple and focused on dinner.

Here is our The Muppets Christmas Carol themed dinner menu:

  • Rizzo’s Cheese and Crackers. For an appetizer, we threw together a really simple cheese and cracker tray with the kids’ favorite club crackers and American cheese.
  • Mr. Fozziwig’s Rubber Chicken. For our “rubber” chicken, we made classic homemade fried chicken strips. I don’t have a recipe, because my husband just makes it up as he goes. But feel free to use your favorite fried chicken recipe here.
  • Ghost of Christmas Pasta. Our kids love butter noodles, so we simply cooked up some butter bow tie noodles
  • Scrooge’s Scrumptious Cranberry Sauce. Since we had our themed dinner a few days after Thanksgiving, we still had leftover cranberry sauce. We decided to throw it into our themed dinner.
  • Tiny Tim’s Tiny Veggies. Our kids love raw vegetables, especially carrots and cucumbers. So, we included those into our theme as well.
  • Ghost of Christmas Present Bread Basket. When the Ghost of Christmas Present is introduced in the movie, you will see baskets full of loaves of bread. This was a nod to that scene.
  • Gonzo’s Grape Soda. I wouldn’t call Kool-Aid grape drink pouches soda exactly. But they were out of soda at the store, and I had already made the food tags!
  • Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come Graveyard Dessert. To pay homage to the part of the storyline where the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come takes Scrooge to a graveyard in the future, we chose this dessert. Besides, this super easy dessert is a kid favorite! Here is the recipe I used.

Though I usually like to incorporate activities into our themed movie nights, we simply did not have time. But, these days, I will take family time wherever I can get it, even if it’s a little shorter than I’d prefer. In all reality, with the holidays, just the dinner and a movie was perfect. We were all pretty tired by the end of the weekend, and trying to force a bunch of activities may have been overkill. If we had added activities, I had planned on doing a movie bingo game or some sort of trivia game that they filled in as they watched the movie. Maybe next time though!

This was a great night and a super fun dinner. I hope it inspires your Disney movie night. Seriously, the kids absolutely love these. They take a little bit of planning, but they give the kids memories for a lifetime. If you have any additional ideas to make The Muppets Christmas Carol themed dinner night even better, leave them in the comments below. To follow other themed dinners, click here. Or, to follow the rest of our adventures, click here.

About Author

I am Kelly, the "mom" of G6Adventures! I am a real estate and construction attorney by day. The rest of my time is spent as the Ringmaster of what I lovingly refer to as the Gindele Traveling Circus. As a family, we love to seek adventure - whether big or small, exciting or challenging. I love sharing our adventures, so that others can follow in our footsteps or learn from our mistakes!

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